What we do

What we do

We offer a different way to see LA, you’ll have a guide and a vehicle just for you and the people in your group, without the crowded and slow motioned groups of the regular tour buses, and of course with the great advantage of reaching out places that you simply cannot see in a larger tour group, with a private tour you will have the chance to design your own tour or to choose one of our suggested itineraries, stopping at the places that you really want to see and skip those you don’t really care for, without having to be stuck in a fixed itinerary.

You can choose one of our suggested itineraries or build one that suits your needs and interest.

Keep in mind that the cost of your private tour is estimated on an hourly basis, so the more hours you get the more fun and the more you can see, however, we always work around your time and budget, so you’ll always get the most out of your tour, we are very flexible and we are always willing to work around your needs.

Our Vehicles

Our fleet consist of luxury passenger vans, equipped to provide you with the best experience during your tour.

We are licensed by the Public Utilities Commission of California and also by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, you may always check the status of our company at https://delaps1.cpuc.ca.gov/pls/public_cpuc/f?p=203:35:1441834899325401::NO:RP::

Why us

We offer the best experience at an affordable price and our fleet of vehicles are newer and well maintained for your safety, our drivers are also drug tested & trained for your peace of mind during your tour.

Que hacemos?

Simplemente le ofrecemos los mejores recorridos Privados en Los Angeles, San Francisco y Parques Nacionales de la Costa Oeste de los EEUU  en Español, puede elegir entre uno de nuestros itinerarios o armar uno de acuerdo a sus intereses y  del tiempo y presupuesto que usted considere, ademas de tener la flexibilidad de agregar o cambiar las atracciones que mas le interesan.

Si ha estado buscando un tour en Español?

O siente que otros tours no cubren sus intereses?

Entonces somos lo que usted busca. Nosotros le ayudaremos a personalizar su recorrido de acuerdo a sus intereses, tiempo y presupuesto, todos nuestros clientes quedan asombrados por lo mucho que ven en nuestros recorridos, tenga en cuenta que su tour esta calculado por hora o por día dependiente del programa que elija, así es que entre mas horas contrate mas atracciones podrá ver y disfrutar, siempre tenemos en cuenta su presupuesto para ofrecerle el mejor valor por su dinero, ya que nuestros precios son muy razonables.

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